Monday, August 25, 2014

Movie Monday

Hello there. I am back from a well needed summer break and ready for everything that is ahead. I spent over a week in beautiful Italy and I promise I will post pictures soon. The rest of my vacation I was at home, sleeping in, working out, trying new recipes, reading, eating and of course watching movies. Well, in this case I would rather say I watched more TV shows than movies.
But there was one movie I watched right in the beginning that topped it all so I didn't really think any other movie for my vacation could live up to it which of course I know makes no sense at all. But oh don't we all no the weirdness of my brain sometimes.
But moving on. Saving Mr. Banks was such a gem and I am so glad I finally watched it. It was beautiful and funny and sweet and heartbreaking and well acted and anything you could hope for. Emma Thompson was phenomenal!
I don't really have much else to say other than I think you watch this movie and cry and laugh and sing.

Also I might have somewhat of a different movie monday planned for next week. Stay tuned.




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