Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Lessons learned

When we ask God to do something new to stretch us make us grow we can count on it...

Well about two years ago I said to God that I needed to rest that I wasn't able to go through stuff like that which had happened anymore. Well his sweet response was that He would not give me too much to handle and that he would take care of me. I agreed and left it at that.
Fast forward and I find myself at a completely different place in my life. A place of rest and ease. A place of blessing and provision and happiness. Life is good. My twenties are over. I'm ready for the next decade.
Well fast forward another couple of months and find me biking to work feeling this nudge, this quiet knowing but to speak out the words would mean to mean then and obedience the consequence. It would cost me something. I wrestled with it for a couple of days knowing I would have to say them, "God, I'm ready again. I want to be stretched. I want to grow. Whatever it is ministry, love and relationship or basically anything in my life."
My three words for 2015 were risk, endurance and change. These words sound a little dangerous and bring with them growth, waiting, letting go and trusting.
In January I bought an apartment which in itself probably isn't even a big thing for some people but you see I am single and to tackle this whole ordeal by myself involved a huge risk and believe me I'm not good with numbers. It also brought with it a whole lot of change.
The whole process shone a light on my singleness like nothing ever has before. Don't get me wrong I am ok with that fact (mostly) but being confronted with it constantly was frustrating.
But in the whole process I am learning to be thankful, to trust, to relearn the value of family and friendship and depending on other people for help is actually ok and I am blessed with amazing family and friends. In moments of loneliness God keeps showing me who my people are and he is teaching me gratefulness. I would love to say come over to my place it's cozy and done but truthfully it is still work in progress and many areas are still uncomfortable but the process is still teaching me to endure and embrace change.
I think it is a good thing because we're not created to stand still but to be made into beautiful vessels by God and I believe God has a purpose with the apartment. I for one cannot wait to for the people coming in an out being hosted. The moments with tea, with dinner, with popcorn. The parties, the quiet times.
So, God, thank you for growth and stretching and enlarging my tents to love more people into your kingdom.



Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday Tunes

Last week on Thursday a friend texted me asking for some Thursday Tunes recommendations and I texted her a few ideas. But I didn't tell her about James Bay. I discovered his music about two years ago on Noisetrade and have loved his EPs ever since. Well, now he produced a whole album for all of us to enjoy. It has some of his older songs on there as well as a few new ones and I think you should have a listen to it. Also if you're a hopeless romantic like me this album is definitely going to feed you well.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

German Wheel

Yesterday I went to the Young Stage International Circus Festival. It has been my second time going and let me tell you both times I sat there at the end of the show with tears in my eyes. There were these young artist full of passion and artistry and athleticism chasing their dreams, creating something beautiful and it just gets to me. They all stood on stage like one big family cheering each other on although being in competition with each other. I guess it is seeing the beauty and talent and diversity in each other rather than comparing and competing with each other.
Anyways there was one act which really got to me. It was performed on the German Wheel (invented in Germany in the 1920s for a "Turnverein") and I really wanted to share it with you (thanks to youtube I was able to find it). I could tell you what the performance is about but I won't so you can find your own interpretation in it.


Monday, May 18, 2015

Movie Monday

Today I want to share another movie of recent with you. The Judge is a movie which deeply touches the subject of a father son relationship without being too foreseeable and cliche.

I thought the movie was very well done, very modern with rather dark filter and little use of color, some exceptional musical choices and a slightly different Robert Downey Jr. The movie definitely falls under the Drama genre and yet is intense enough for a thriller.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Movie Monday

I just realized that I never shared this movie with you. If you've known me long enough you will know not only my love for movies but also my love for Christopher Nolan movies. I believe him to be an extraordinary director and producer with the ability to always surprise you.
No wonder I highly anticipated Interstellar. The trailer of course unlike other trailers didn't give away anything of the movie (it of course only showed pieces of the first third of the movie).

I remember sitting in the theater in shock and excitement and was blown away by everything I saw. I remember how I kept thinking of the time and space concept for days after I had watched the film because it really messed with that concept in any way possible. And yet again time and space are something created by God with day and night and the passing of seasons but I believe when one day we will leave this earth it will be different.



Monday, May 4, 2015

Movie Monday

I love watching the Oscar's every year. I even admit that I totally cry watching them and for anybody who knows me I don't cry much when watching movies. Nevertheless at this year's Oscar's there was a beautiful moment where John Legend and Common performed "Glory" from the film Selma. It was such an emotional performance and left everybody in tears.

Selma was such an amazing movie, very real and honest without making things look nicer or worse than they were.
I don't want to say much more about it as I believe that the movie simply speaks for itself.




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