Thursday, November 18, 2010

Good food and cookie dough ice cream

A lot of things have been going on lately and I'm sometimes just amazed how much strength and endurance and extra time God gives me. It's miraculous.
Well, tonight was sort of my night off and I decided to treat myself with some good food, some dance stretching, pampering and finally some good old Ben&Jerry's cookie dough ice cream.

I made a joghurt dip with some frozen herbs and curry from India to dip the carrots and cooked broccoli. I love cooked broccoli. It has an amazing taste.

I still had some romaine lettuce left that I tossed with some balsamico and olive oil.

We don't grow sweet potatoes here so to eat them is always a treat. I found this really simple and fast recipe where all you do is cover them in some olive oil and toast them in the oven for like 40 minutes. They were delicioso.

My co-worker told about this. It's chicory sprinkled with cheese that melts in the oven. Man, was it good.

And for dessert I had cookie dough ice cream which I simply LOVE! If I were to pick my favorite ice cream place I would totally say Cold Stone and that although I live in Europe where we get amazing gelato everywhere, but... Cold Stone it is. I have so many good memories of that place.

Anyway... hope you'll enjoy your weekend. I sure will.



PS: Sorry the photo quality isn't the best... only had my phone camera with me.

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