Tuesday, December 31, 2013


A year ago I formed three words for this year: Growth, Love, Hope. And I did work on all of these, lived after all of them, but there is one word in retrospective which really defined this year: IDENTITY.
I know it is a really big word and I know it is something which is ever growing and ever forming to become more ourselves.
This year I learned the beauty of silence. The beauty of doing nothing, of resting. I learned a lot about myself. I analyzed and thought and prayed and I formed words on who I want to be and how I see my life.
I formed new dreams and visions. In a way I became myself again in a whole other level. In a way I grew up without the negative connotation of being a "grown-up". I made some pretty big decision on how I want to live my life.
I remember one day in Fuerteventura. It was in the afternoon and I was by the beach. I was swimming in the glittering water of the Atlantic Ocean water all by myself. The sun was nice and warm and the water felt wonderful. I was like a child, dancing, jumping, diving in the water. I didn't care what others thought of me or how it looked. It was in that moment where I felt completely free. I was myself and I thanked the Lord and I thought to myself that I know who I am and where I am going and laughed out loud and embraced the moment knowing God had brought me here so set me on a new journey and oh was I ready.

What were some defining moments for you this year?
What words describe your year?



Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 24: Merry Christmas

"The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me. He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken, announce freedom to all captives, pardon all prisoners. God sent me to announce the year of his grace— a celebration of God’s destruction of our enemies— and to comfort all who mourn, to care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion, give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes, messages of joy instead of news of doom, a praising heart instead of a languid spirit. Rename them “Oaks of Righteousness” planted by God to display his glory. They’ll rebuild the old ruins, raise a new city out of the wreckage.
They’ll start over on the ruined cities, take the rubble left behind and make it new. You’ll hire outsiders to herd your flocks and foreigners to work your fields, but you’ll have the title “Priests of God,” honored as ministers of our God. You’ll feast on the bounty of nations, you’ll bask in their glory.
Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever. “Because I, God, love fair dealing and hate thievery and crime,
I’ll pay your wages on time and in full, and establish my eternal covenant with you. Your descendants will become well-known all over. Your children in foreign countries Will be recognized at once as the people I have blessed.” I will sing for joy in God, explode in praise from deep in my soul! He dressed me up in a suit of salvation, he outfitted me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo and a bride a jeweled tiara. For as the earth bursts with spring wildflowers, and as a garden cascades with blossoms, so the Master, God, brings righteousness into full bloom and puts praise on display before the nations."
-Isaiah 61, The Message

With that my Calendar ends and I wish you a blessed Christmas. May you celebrate Jesus and make Him the center of the holidays. The above picture was my Christmas card picture this year (taken about a year ago on a walk) and the verse is a very crucial one for me this year. I pray that wherever there are ruins and wreckage in your life that He will raise a new city and rebuild the old ruins!

Merry Christmas, friends.



Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 23: Meaningful gifts

Can you believe that Christmas Eve is already tomorrow??? The last three weeks went by in a blink of an eye - wow.
I think I do this post about gifts every time in my calendar because it is so important to me.

I know of some people who don't like Christmas because it has become so commercial. Let me just say this. If you think that way then change the way you celebrate Christmas. Cut out the commercial and start something creative. Instead of complaining, change it. I personally don't like the commercial side of Christmas either. That is why I try to remind myself every day what Christmas is really about. On Christmas I try to be really creative with my presents and give meaningful gifts. Yeah some gifts might be commercial or might seem like it but I buy them because I know they will be a blessing to the other person.
Other gifts are gift cards for restaurants or tickets to a play - I love those gifts because it means that the people you are giving them to have to take a night off and indulge in beautiful art.

If you can't give something like that maybe because of finances, come up with other ideas like babysitting for free for a couple so they can go on a date. Or give someone a "gift card" to spending a day with you or have dinner, breakfast or a picnic with you.
I think the gift of time is always the greatest because we all lack it and giving something of that value to another person is pretty big.

One thing I have started a few years back is making banana breads for all my friends and basically anybody I want to give a gift. That means standing in the kitchen for a few hours but I love it. I listen to music, dance a little and think of all these people.

If you don't have time to do that because we all know time is short make baking mixes. I did that this year for the stockings. I bought big glass jars and put all the dry ingredients in and wrote on there what else they need to put in and for how long they need to bake it.

So... I guess these are quite a few non-commercial suggestions. Have fun giving, celebrate each present and most of all, forgive, love and have a great time with family and friends.



Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 22: Time with Friends

Good morning friends.... it is a relaxed Sunday and only 2 more days till Christmas Eve. We had the dress rehearsal for the special service we put on each year and can I just tell you how amazing it is going to be!!
On Friday my best girl-friends and I had our annual Christmas party. We've been doing that now for years. It all started with wanting to start a tradition (thanks Tanja) we could keep up until we're old and have long gray hair (that would be me). At first we even dressed up like Christmas trees and Snowmen (me again) and shepherds and lights and stars. After two years we ditched that and went out for dinner instead.
We also started to draw names and give that person one special bigger present and on top of that we each have our own stockings that we fill for each other with smaller presents.
This year we went for Asian food at a restaurant nearby and then over to my place where we had dessert, cheese and PRESENTS.
What I love about this party is that it has become a tradition and a priority for each of us, something we will keep up and something that will always bring us together no matter where we are. We don't get together often enough and when we do it is always special. This Christmas party is in actual fact a celebration of our friendships, our memories and journeys, boyfriends, husbands, kids one day, moving to other countries and back. And we make new memories each year.
And what more beautiful thing than then gift of friendship and times spent together.



Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 21: Inspiration for a minimalist and a whimsical Christmas

My two week vacation is here!!! This is so exciting!
Today I am going two share to inspiration boards with you because they couldn't be more contrary. For the other 3 click 1, 2, 3.

The first one I call the minimalist Christmas. I must admit I love how it turned out because what I love about this simplistic look is that you can "throw" in some brown wood and you instantly create a warm look what at first sight looks like just clear black and white lines.
I guess the key is to not overdo it, keep it simple, don't use a lot of colors. It creates a very clean and sophisticated look and is just beauty for the eyes.

The second inspiration board is the complete opposite and probably the one I would least go for but it was fun creating it and putting some color together.
What I did here was exchange the classical red and green with pink and mint and have some yellow and brown as "basic colors". It instantly creates a cute and fun look. I love the tree cake pops though.

Well, I hope these boards have inspired you to some extent. I had a lot of fun putting them together. It triggered a lot of ideas and inspiration for myself. I think everybody has their own style and as we grow up and older we refine and sharpen this style, find ourselves more in it as we find out more how we are.

Enjoy this last weekend before Christmas. Don't get stressed out. Rest a little. Take some time to just light a candle and ponder about this year.



A minimalist Christmas via: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

A whimsical Christmast via: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 20: Shine

"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city an a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand - shine!" - The Bible

picture via

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 19: Thursday Tunes - The Christmas Edition

The last two Thursdays I have already posted some Christmas music and today I am going to share with you a playlist of some of my favorites from this season as we head into the last weekend of Advent.
It is a very versatile mix of country, pop, indie and folk music. Have it playing while you decorate your home or wrap some presents.



Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 18: Vulnerability

A lot of you might know that I have decided a while ago to not allow my heart to be hardned but to stay vulnerable. This is still something I live by.



Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 17: Hommage

Today I want you to take just one minute and forget about everything that is going on, presents, parties, details.
I found this video today and it kind of embodies everything I love. This season is full of so many things but honestly what really matters is who we share it with.


Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 16: Tips for planning a non-stressful party

Yesterday my flatmate and I held our 3rd annual Open House Adventsparty. We do it every year on one of the advent weekends. We basically open our doors and everybody is invited. I have to add that our apartment is not gigantic, nor is our kitchen - to be exact we live in a 72 sqm apartment. And at some point yesterday we probably had between 25-30 people in the apartment. It was crazy, awesome, fun, and when I went to bed my heart was overflowing with joy. To have the opportunity to open my house to people to just bless them is such a gift. To me just sitting there seeing all these totally different people having a good time and completely relaxing is the best gift ever.
And the whole "planning" and "executing" part of the party was super relaxed. In fact 30 minutes before the party started the two of us already toasted to a great evening with some homemade eggnog. Everything was in place and ready to go.

You might ask how in the world we would fit in yet another party into Christmas season and sometimes I ask myself that too but then I remember how much I love it and how great it is and I forget the fact that my calender is filling up because honestly during Christmas season what's most important to me is spending it with people and enjoying it.

Anyways, I am trying to come to the point: I thought it would be great to give you a few tips how you can pull-off a non-stressful party any season of the year.

1. Don't over strain yourself - this does not mean you shouldn't give you best and put all the effort in what you've got. It is more to say don't get caught up in trying to throw a pinterest-perfect party. We can spend hours on pinterest getting so much inspiration and ideas and that is a good thing. It helps me a lot to stay creative and find new ideas. At the same time it sometimes paints an unrealistic picture because the perfect parties we see there are planned by specialists and with a lot of money on hand (ok not all of them, but you're getting my point). I suggest, that you use what you have and make the most out of it. A party does cost a bit of money but be creative with what you already have or with what nature has to offer when it comes to decorations.

2. People over planning - A party needs planning but always prioritize people. They are after all the ones you are throwing the party for. They are the ones coming into the atmosphere you have set. Don't lose yourself in the planning but keep reminding yourself of why you plan the party and for who. If it is a smaller setting and you have time in your calender go all out and cook for them or have a cheese platter or snacks or whatever works best for you. But if it is a big party (like ours was yesterday) ask people to contribute, have tons of snacks rather than a sit down meal. There is no shame in asking people to contribute (especially in the German culture I live in).

3. Just chill - And in order to do that and toast with eggnog 30 minutes before the party starts you need to put a little bit of effort into planning your day. For Melina and I that meant taking the 2-3 hours before to put on some awesome music, be focused and do what needed to be done, work quickly, dance a little in between and sing out loud. I guess a lot of it is deciding not to get stressed and plan in more time that you might need.

I really hope this was helpful for you. I am a strong defender of putting people first when it comes to party planning. If I lose sight of that what good will my party really be.

Happy Monday everyone.



Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 15: Inspiration for a rustic Christmas

Tonight my flatmate and I are having our annual Open House Adventsparty. It is a party where we open our doors and welcome people into our home. We celebrate Advent. I love opening my house to other people and welcoming them as guests providing a safe haven and a place of rest.
This inspiration board was probably my most favorite of all of the boards I did because it was what I like most when it comes to decoration ideas. It is how I would do it. Simple, organic, natural with a lot of brown and burgundy and warm colors. Just so that you get cozy and comfortable and warm.



pictures via: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 14: 500 Miles

Apart from the fact that the song "I'm gonna be (500 miles)" by Sleeping at Last was on repeat this dance routine is breathtakingly beautiful and I want us all to stop for a moment today and gaze upon beautiful dancing, get lost in the song and the story and find ourselves on the other side with new romantic dreams (I know I do)



Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 13: Romance

It is no secret that I am a hopeless romantic so all I want to share today is this picture. May it trigger your own stories:



Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 12: Thursday Tunes

Time is running and it's only 12 more days until Christmas, wow. I already told you last week how I am trying to have some alternatives to the classic Christmas music and today I want to share a song with you which caught my attention the other day when I had my Christmas playlist on random. It is "Silent Night" but sung in such a beautiful way and so differently I had to stop whatever it was I was doing and pay full attention to the song.
So why don't we all do that together today, stop for a moment and pay full attention.



Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 10: To ponder

This morning on my way to work I had to remind myself of why I do this calender. It is not so that I post something everyday and come up with all sorts of things. No, it is a reminder to take some time every day during this Christmas season to pause. I want to provide you with creativity and beautiful pictures, words, quotes and ideas.
It is that time of the year where everybody seems to be running more than usual and people are more unfriendly (yes indeed) in the stores that I just want to scream STOP! This is not what Christmas is about. It is about celebrating the fact that God sent His son into this earth to safe us. It is a time to be thankful. A time for forgiveness and a time for love.
Therefore I challenge you to stop here for a minute (or 5), pause, ponder, rethink some things and ask yourself how you want this Christmas time to pass: stressful or peaceful?
What are the things you have to change now about your attitude?
How can you put a smile on somebody else's face today?
What are you thankful for today?
And then after you have answered these question go differently about your day.



picture via

Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 9: Inspiration for an elegant Christmas

Last week I already told you about my inspiration boards and since I am going to my first Christmas party of the season tonight (ho ho ho) I thought why not inspire you with some ideas too. You know how everybody kind of has their own style and way they like things to look like and decorated. With these inspiration boards I had tried to really find something for every style.
This one was naturally not what I tend to because I like things very natural and more rustic but I like how the inspiration board turned out as I incorporated some funky and different elements. I love the sparkly piñata in the left corner. How fun would it be to have that at your next party?
Well I hope you feel inspired to updo your parties a bit.



pictures via: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 8: Tango

Any day is a good day for dancing in my opinion and since I went to a 90s themed party yesterday (am I that old already???) and danced to any 90s song that comes to your mind right now (just saying: Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys... etc.) I thought today calls for a very ballroom-classic dance: The Tango. And anybody who knows me knows I love me some Tango. The dance I am about to share with you had me jumping on my feet screaming YEAH! This is awesome!!!

So... on this day, this Sunday indulge in this beautiful sparkly and passionate Tango:



Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 7: Be uncomplicated

This morning we had our Dream Team Summit at church and my pastor spoke a great message on being uncomplicated. So often we get so tangled up in our own stuff and think we hear things, think things have been said that we become really complicated messes.
So on this Day I want to encourage us all to be a little less complicated. Have fun, enjoy life, go the extra mile, worry not. Just be who you are.



Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 6: The Big Apple and the small things that matter

I decided that my journey should become part of The Calender so we can all dream of faraway lands and travels and adventures on grey Winter days.

People have asked me about my highlight of visiting New York City but honestly it is hard to pinpoint it because every day was special in its own way with its own adventures. I loved being there and loved spending time with my friends.
I did indeed see a lot of the city but in such a manner that the days did not seem rushed but relaxes with slow mornings and coffee breaks and lots of great conversations.
I stayed the first two days with my friend Alyssa in her Brooklyn apartment. On my arrival I was greeted with a beautiful sunset and the skyline. We went for a walk in Central Park where it was freezing cold. To warm up we went to Café Lady M and had the 20 layer Mille Crêpe cake which believe me will change your life. It was such a good time to catch up on things that have happened in our lives for the past year. 
The first few days I was just fascinated by the architecture and the versatility of the buildings. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to take pictures of every beautiful building I saw because there were so many.
I was glad to see Alyssa's studio where she creates her beautiful art. I loved the conversations we had. They did me so well. She has such an eye for detail and color and inspires me to see the world a little bit different.
To say that I was overwhelmed by Time Square is probably an understatement. I'm not really good with crowds and it just felt so unreal. We spent about 5 minutes there and then left to take off for the rest of the day which we spent having Molten Chocolate cake (what can I say??) and touring the MET. I loved the MET. It was raining outside so the timing was perfect.
I am so glad that I could go and see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. It was probably the most historical day for me. Although I already knew a lot about the history it was just great to get into it again and be reminded.
The next couple of days were filled with Thanksgiving and Black Friday where indeed I treated my self ("treat yo self" as Becky likes to say) to an amazing pair of leather boots. We went to Brooklyn to antique shops and had hot chocolate at nunu Chocolates. We finished the day by walking the Brooklyn Bridge and getting into the Christmas spirit (us and 5000 other people) at Rockefeller center. On my last day it was indulgence after indulgence as we went for Brunch after church (French toast is the magic word), went to see the Nutcracker which was so beautifully danced and topped it off with New York Cheese cake; the last thing I had to do before leaving the city.
I absolutely loved my time there, loved Becky and Jordan's neighborhood where the Great Gatsby also is set in the golden 20s.
Thank you Becky and Alyssa for having me, for your friendship and the times and conversations spent. When I look back at this trip it is not about checking everything off my list and trying to see everything. What I remember most is when we sat down and talked, shared our hearts and dreamed of the future.




Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 5: Thursday Tunes

I thought since it is Thursday and I really love music why not share some beautiful tunes with you. I like Christmas music a lot but let's be honest it doesn't take too long for me to have had it with bells and Rudolph and White Christmas. So a few years ago I started adding some alternatives to my Christmas playlist. I added songs which might have Christmas lyrics but don't sound like Christmas music or I added songs that had nothing to do with Christmas but were beautiful and romantic. The great thing is that I am not the only one and so you find more and more playlists which really add some beautiful music to the season. Plus, noisetrade really helps.
Anyways today I felt like sharing this Joni Mitchell song with you. It is a life performance and I totally love the video with it. Kind of makes me want tot travel back in time.



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 4: What really matters

Today's society has developed in such a way that we are constantly busy doing something. When we're at the doctor's office we read magazines, when we're in the train we check our phone, our facebook, our instagram. We are constantly occupied with something. And there is nothing wrong with these things but I am a strong believer in having to sometimes just shut everything off, becoming really quiet.
This past Sunday I went to a church in Long Island City and the pastor spoke about where our focus was because what we focus on develops, grows and becomes big in our life.

I think today we should all take a little bit of time and just figure out where our focus is. What is important in our lives? Who are the important people in our lives?
Invest into the things which matter in the long haul. Invest into your friendships.



Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 3: DIY Christmas Garland

I am back from the big city of New York and will report on that hopefully later this week! It was such a great time and I enjoyed it thoroughly especially with it being right there before Christmas time.
Yesterday my roommate and I bought our Christmas tree and while she put the lights on, I put my hands on making a greenery garland for the very first time. While I was putting the branches together and wrapping the wire around I was feeling so relaxed and calm. I love working with my hands like that. Creating something beautiful, listening to Christmas music, bringing the outsides in and smelling the fresh greens.
So I thought I should probably share the how-to instructions with you so you too can make a garland- it is really quite simple.
I hope you are enjoying this day. Take few minutes, calm down, relax, have some tea.



picture via

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 2: Inspiration for a classical Christmas

I hope your Monday is going well so far and you are getting into the Christmas mood!
A little while ago I posted a series of inspiration boards on my church's Sisterhood Facebook page and now I thought it would be fun to share them here also. I basically took a theme each day and created a board around it as inspiration for decoration or Christmas party planning. Today we're starting off with a very classical red and green board.
What I tried to do though is mix in a few fun and whimsical ideas also. I think that's what keeps the very traditional colours fresh and modern.



pictures 1  10  11  12  13  14

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 1: The Calendar

Welcome to December, people!! In my world this means, christmas markets, christmas musics and christmas PARTYS!!!
And as you can see I decided to do a Calendar again this year. Yep, I am going to take time everyday. A few minutes, to contemplate, be inspired and share it all with you for 24 days. If you have no clue what I'm talking about revisit my Calendars from 2009, 2010 and 2011.
I think that is all for today on the first advent. I'm super excited and can't wait to see where my Calendar journey is taking me this year.
Stayed tuned for many inspirations, quotes, dances, pictures, music... and be surprised.



Monday, November 18, 2013

Movie Monday

Happy Monday, friends!! Only a few more days and I'll be in New York City for a week. I am so excited to fulfill another dream of mine.
But for today I have another really great movie for you. I have watched this one already in the summer but somehow forgot to post it here and now I watched it again yesterday. Chasing Mavericks.
What I love about the movie is not necessarily the surfing although it's pretty awesome. What I love about the movie is the relationship. The mentoring that is happening there. I love the line, "There are all kinds of sons. Some are born to you, some just occur to you". Hello?? How true is that?
So to all you men out there, married, fathers or singles, I want to let you know that you are fathers in the House of God. Don't ever take that lightly. It is a great responsibility.

This is one of those movies which leaves me sitting in front of the screen wondering about this guy's life and trying to understand and wanting to know more.
And apart from all of that Gerard Butler is always great at what he does.

If you haven't watched the movie yet, please do.



Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday Tunes

Well hello there! I'm sorry it has been a tad bit quiet around here, but I promise more to come soon.
Today on this cold, grey November afternoon I would like to share a song with you that totally gets you into lighting a candle and being cozy under a blanket mood.
I recently started watching Nashville (yep, you heard right) and the music is so beautiful. So I thought I'd share this beautiful song with you. Hope you enjoy it, hope you relax and rest a little.



Monday, November 11, 2013

Movie Monday

Every year when I watch the Oscars I make a list of movies that I want to watch and Beasts of the Southern Wild was one it. I finally got around to watching it. Do you know those kind of movies you keep putting off because you know they will touch your soul and you're just not quite ready yet? Well, this is one of them.
It is one of those movies which is beautiful and funny and cute and at the same time it is heartbreaking and sad and makes you cry. I have a few things to say about this one: 1. it is absolutely beautifully done, 2. the acting was amazing. This little girl  did a phenomenal job and 3. I loved that the movie didn't interpret itself but left you standing with your own thoughts and your own interpretations. I watched it with my friend Larissa and we talked about it afterwards, tried to find our own insight into the story and that led to other topics and things which are on our heart.
I guess this quote kind of sums it up alltogether: "When it all goes quiet behind my eyes, I see everything that made me lying around in invisible pieces. When I look too hard, it goes away. And when it all goes quiet, I see they are right here. I see that I'm a little piece in a big, big universe. And that makes things right."
Have you watched this movie? What did you think?



Monday, November 4, 2013

Movie Monday

It is Monday again and for now this means that I am presenting you with another beautiful movie. I have wanted to watch this one for a long time and finally got to it. The Artist.
I must say at first it was very odd to not have anybody talk, but after a while it really go to me. I think it definitely earned all the Oscars it has received in 2012. It was a phenomenal movie taking us back in time to how movies were. Yes the story was nothing new yet it was well brought across and still got us all thinking and feeling with the main actors (unlike Avatar, but I'm not going to go into that direction).
Jean Dujardin was phenomenal. His expressions are unseen and he kind of reminds me personally of of a young Clark Gable.

My friend Larissa and I watched The Artist on a rainy Saturday afternoon with pancakes and coffee and eggs and we laughed and enjoyed ourselves very much.



Friday, November 1, 2013

A thankful heart

Fall always means change for me. I mean it's natural. When you go to school or university it all starts new but even now in my work life. Fall always means things are picking up, at church, at work and we quickly slide into the Holiday season with parties happening all over the place (which I love).
The last couple of years Fall really brought either the knowledge of change or complete change in every area of my life. But this fall around is different. Yes, things have picked up more after a season of rest and all but I don't go through a drastic change myself. I have been over the last couple of months but I am finding myself at a beautiful rest and ease on the inside. The kind of rest I haven't felt in years. And with that there is new passion and strength and stamina. There are new dreams and ideas and inspiration.
So October has been such a month of thankfulness.  It all started with my Erntedankparty and continued far into October. I am just truly thankful for my life, for my family, my church, my friends, for this opportunity given to make a difference in this day and age.
I thought I'd just share a few pictures with you of what happened in October and what I'm thankful for. So here we go:

1. For sharing life and art and inspiration with this great friend 2. For friends around the table 3. leaves turning, bike rides and seeing nature bring out all their beautiful colors 3. for autumn hikes and nature  4. for making a difference, bringing up the next generation and doing that with friends

What are you thankful for?



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