Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday Tunes: The Summer Edition

It has been a while since I've posted some of my recent music I am listening too. Today let's call it the summer edition and I'll give you a list of albums I recently downloaded on noisetrade. Basically the soundtrack for my summer. Along with that I am going to post some of my favorite songs.
So here we go:

Noistrade Summer Mixtape - 65 songs for any road trip, beach day, BBQ or summer party. This is a great mix of many genres ranging from pop to folk, to indie, to rock & roll.
One of my favorite songs is "Nothing but Trouble" by Drew Holcomb & the neighbors. I have posted this song before here if you can remember. But here it is again:

Ivan & Alyosha: All the times we had - this is real feel good music for me. Lovely guitar sounds, very Indie

Bronze Radio Return: A Bit of Bronze - I am fairely new to this band and just recently discovered them on noisetrade. I love their sound - makes me happy. One of my favorite songs from the album is "Shake Shake Shake".

Judah & The Lion: First Fruits + Sweet Tennessee - I sometimes find it really hard to find really good Christian music with a great sound. And I am so glad I found Judah & The Lion. I love their sound. I love their lyrics and I love that it's music you can play anytime and be happy. One of the songs I really like is "Love your Love" from their First Fruits album.

I think that is it for now. I hope you have fun listening to the music I posted. Also check out my updated "Soundtrack" section with all the music I love.

Who's on your summer Soundtrack?



Monday, June 24, 2013

Movie Monday

Ah... another Monday and another movie I have recently watched, loved and want to share with you. Today: Anna Karenina (I know it's a costume drama again, but I just love them). Unfortunately I have not read the book yet but I will.

I have wanted to watch this movie for months already and was really excited when I finally did - and I wasn't disappointed in any way. It is hard for me to find the right words to describe this drama especially because of the way it was done. I loved the style of the movie with the stage and it felt like I was in that time and place right there with them, captivated by all that happened. If you have not watched it yet and are in for an epic drama you have to watch it.



Monday, June 17, 2013

Movie Monday

I have been watching a lot of movies lately (more than usual) due to the extra time I have and a rainy Spring + time = catching up on movies!
So I have decided to share some of the ones I loved for the next few weeks and we'll see how this will continue.
First up: Jane Eyre.

It took me a while until I finally watched the 2011 version of Charlotte Bronte's book. I read the book a few years ago and loved it. I remember sitting in the train being in the book completely forgetting about everything else around me. So... the movie had to somehow live up to these expectations. And although it wasn't quite as good as the book (what movie could?) I really really liked the movie a lot. I thought it was a beautiful, yet sad atmosphere to it which was exactly the right tone for the story.
If you like costume theaters like I do... go watch it!



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