Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A wedding in Dresden and a whole lot of tears

It all started in 9th grade when Annika and I realized we both kind of like Antonio Banderas and the song "Oh what a circus" from Evita. That's when we became friends.
Ines, Annika and I would spend many hours together watching movies, talking about all the things that mattered (BOYS ;-) ) and kind of grew up together. I remember one May 1st holiday where it was raining so we decided to have a picknick inside, light all the candles, eat as much as we can and talk. I think we listened to the Shrek Soundtrack about 100 times that day. To this day whenever I have a picknick inside that's the moment that comes to mind. That perfect day when it was raining and we all stayed in.
Well, and this past weekend Annika got married to the one, her one, the one she loves and wants to spend the rest of her life with (I'm getting all emotional just writing this right now).

So Ines and I flew out to Dresden over the most beautiful sunset to celebrate this special day with her.

It was a beautiful late summer day, the sun came out during the ceremony and with a beautiful view over Dresden we celebrate the two of them.
By now we all know how much I love weddings. I cry at all of them, I get giddy and happy and feel like my heart is bursting out. It's not only because of my very romantic heart, but seeing two people in love and declaring it in front of al their friends and family and mostly in front of God just gets me. There is something so genuinly beautiful about this.
This wedding though just touched me in a whole different way. The whole day I was so full of joy for my friend, so honored to be there, so impressed with the way they went about things and to just see the love in their faces. Wow. Total beauty! All I wanted was to just sit there and watch them dance and be in love and let my tears role. Ok I totally did all of that, but I just wanted to really take it all in.

The day after the wedding Ines and I went into town to see it since we had both never been. I must say I really liked this city, thought it was beautiful. I didn't take too many pictures, but here are some.

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Oh what a wonderful weekend it has been. My heart is so full.

Another thing I also realized this weekend is how important it is for me to surround myself with the arts, but more on that another time.




  1. You´re so right, it was amazing! And Dresden is a really beautiful city, there´s nothing more to say about this :-). It was a pleasure to meet you and I wish you alle the best! Doris

    1. Danke, Doris für das liebe Kommentar. Ich habe mich auch sehr gefreut Dich kennengelernt zu haben! Alles Gute Dir und Deinem Baby!!


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