Wednesday, October 8, 2014

On friendship and food and breaking bread

Two Sundays ago I was alone at home. It was late afternoon and the sun was already setting. A sign for the new season. One of my favorite seasons which is fall.
It had been a great Sunday where I shared lunch with my parents in a tiny village soaking up the sun. And now I was home and my hands were itching to make something, to see something produced and done and so I made these Meringue Tartlettes I saw in the Kinfolk cookbook and realized I had all the ingredients at hand. And so there I was, alone in the kitchen and whisking egg white and baking dough and spreading homemade jam on it.
 My Sunday nights are usually all alike. There is popcorn and some cooked vegetables and a dip and a movie. My flatmate and I have this Sunday night routine where we shut out everything else and just soak up Sunday nights with a good movie.
So even without her being there I decided to make popcorn and watch a movie. I watched this movie (Movie Monday coming soon) and after it was over and the credits were rolling I sat on my sofa, a bundle of tears. Something about the friendships and the connection and the togetherness and the changing about relationships in this movie stirred something up within me.

I have been thinking about friendship a lot lately. More than usual. I have taken account of the people who I call my people. The ones where time together is life giving. The ones where you can fully be yourself and yet being with them makes you a better person because they challenge you.
I have been reading this book and this book a lot lately and although it is about food it is more than that about gathering people around a table to break bread and over the last couple weeks I feel I have gotten a new understanding of what it means to gather people around a table. There is so much power in sharing a meal, in conversing with each other in breaking bread. It nourishes not only our bodies but our souls and our heart and spirits.
 Last Saturday I went out for dinner with a couple of friends and it was one of those magical nights. It was a perfect mix of people with 3 married couples, one expecting a baby, one with a one year old who was part of the party and two singles. I sat there and thought these are my people. The night was filled with laughter and food and conversation and dreams and when we left the table I felt refreshed, accepted, loved.

I pray that whenever we gather around a table to break bread that we make it intentionally and that whenever we leave said table that it leaves a mark on our hearts and that it changes us for the better.




  1. Oh wow is that tanja? The "bride" from your last bridalshower? Is she pregnant? Or whitch one? :)

    1. Yes that is Tanja but no she's not pregnant. My sister is so I'm going to be an Aunt!


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