Monday, August 31, 2015

Movie Monday

Growing up my sister and I weren't allowed to watch a whole lot of TV so the very few things we were allowed to watch were cherished. We often would watch movies on Sunday afternoons as a family. These films would include German post war happy movies, pirate movies, movies like the 10 commandments, Ben Hur, Robin Hood, Rocky etc. but we also grew up watching Lois & Clarke, the new adventures of Superman and I loved it very much. Needless to say to this day I am a big Superhero fan/nerd whatever you want to call it. Funny enough though I have not posted one single Superhero movie on here. But I consider this a good thing because I watch a lot more than Superhero movies.
Anyways this one deserves a spotlight on here because let's face it IT IS SUPERMAN and although all of Christopher Nolan's Batman movies and all of the Marvel Universe are awesome and I watch them on a regular basis (not The Dark Knight because Clowns and me are not friends) I really think this one should be mentioned on here for you to watch.
I love the costumes, I love the atmosphere and the general feeling of the movie. I like that it really goes deep into the story taking as much as possible from the actual comics. I find the actors a great choice and since it's Monday and Movies and Man of Steel should we actually call this a #mcm? What do you think?

That's all. Go watch Man of Steel.



Friday, August 28, 2015



For a long time now I have sorted my music into Seasons of Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer because I think that every season brings its own flavor, its own feeling and atmosphere and its own adventures. Obviously the same goes for life in general because I really believe we also need to see it as such where we go through different seasons. I have experienced that so often. Sometimes there would be a season of stretching and changing and it brought out what was inside and then there would be seasons of blessing and overflow and bounty.
I think we need to embrace all of the seasons. We need to take them as they are and decide what we're going to do with it. Are we going to allow God to work within us in each season that comes our way? Are we allowing him to either cut things off in our lives, to challenge us or bless us and give us rest? Obviously we all want the season of blessing and rest but we can only get there by pruning and cutting off and getting rid of old baggage in order to bring out a bountiful blessing.
So as this summer is slowing down I am using the time of rest that is still left to prepare for everything which is ahead in the fall, harvest and work and bringing out the best colors but also to prepare for whatever God has next. Shouldn't we always have an attitude of "God, your will not mine"? Whatever it is he is going to put on your plate next, allow him to do so for He has greater plans than the ones in front of you. Allow him to prune you for you to become the person you were intended to be. Allow him to speak to you and with you so that He can reveal His mighty plans to you.
Happy End of Summer



Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday Tunes


Well hello there and welcome to another Thursday with awesome music and the end of the week approaching. I have decided to make the Thursday Tunes even easier for you and created a "The Soundtrack of my Life" playlist on spotify for you to follow. I will update it as regularly as possible and will share it here too. This week we're calling it "Summer Rock 'n Roll" because this music got me dancing all week while I was preparing dinner and enjoying what is left of Summer.

It has been a great summer and funny enough I have been listening to a lot of country granted though I was BBQing a lot and what suits it better than country right? Right.

The band in the playlist is called Vintage Trouble and they are pure soulish Rock 'n Roll and Blues and they have been on repeat for days!
So whatever you're doing right now, cooking, cleaning, working out, working... push play and get in a good mood!


Monday, August 24, 2015

Movie Monday

I know this place has been a bit quiet lately and I don't like that but honestly I was just simply enjoying my summer having many guests, throwing many a BBQ and just spent a good amount of time with friends.

But as the fall is slowly approaching I have every intention to be more present with this blog and share movies and music and stories and inspiration with you throughout the next couple of months.

So lets's start us off with this movie I watched on the plane to Birmingham: McFarland, USA.
When I was a teenager I was the biggest Kevin Costner fan and I've watched Robin Hood so many times I cannot even recount.
And still today I really like him a lot as an actor. This is your "typical" sports movie but I thought it was pretty special and I will admit to crying on the plane when I watched it.
What I really like about it was the intercultural communication, the subject of family and the understanding between cultures and languages.
I also think it is a great family movie so go watch it!



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