As a lot of you know I have not been working the past 2 1/2 months. I am going to start my new job next Monday and the time in between my jobs was a gift which I am so thankful for. It has been a time which I haven't had since graduating from High School.
I took the time to figure some things out because I really felt like I was at a turning point in my life. A point in time where I needed to sit down and ask myself some of the hard questions like "
Who do I want to be?" "What kind of legacy do I want to leave?" "What is my calling?" "What do I want to do with my life and in my life?" "What are my dreams, visions, what's the life I see?"
I spent quite some time exploring these questions. I spent time in the Word, time in prayer, just time with God, thinking, dreaming, seeing things.
And now looking back at these 2 1/2 months I see how God was at work. He made a cut on April 30th and gave me time, just simply the gift of time. And in this time I became more myself. I became me again. I know now what I'm supposed to do. I know now who I want to be and although I have no clue what the future holds and when I'll meet my future husband for that matter but it's not important because I found myself in God. Fully loved. Fully accepted. Fully free. I have a calling. I have dreams. I have a vision of something that could be and all I want to do is the best I can today so that the future will enfold. I want to be faithful with that which God has given me in my hands now.
So here I stand looking ahead and I am happy. I allow myself to just be.
On top of all of that I did some amazing thing. I had the time to catch up on things,
watch movies, house and dog sit for a family. Then my friend from Alabama visited for almost 3 weeks and it was like recess and camp altogether. I also spent a week in Fuerteventura, Spain. So... next week I'll fill you in on some pictures so be sure to check back here then.