Monday, October 28, 2013

Movie Monday

Yay I'm back with another Movie Monday!!
I have watched a few great movies lately which I am going to share with you. First up: Liberal Arts.
I already mentioned this movie in my post from last week. I don't remember how I found it though. I was just researching some movies for a solo movie night (meaning me and a good movie and popcorn and candles) and somehow found it. And I'm glad I did.
This was such a beautiful movie about growing up and being yourself. I cried in the end and through the whole credits and I don't often cry watching movies. But this one really stirred something up. I guess it's the whole growing up still being single but getting older part combined with yeah I kind of know where I'm headed and I love my life right now.

Anyways, you should watch it on a rainy day with a cup of tea.



Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Growing up

Recently I watched this movie called Liberal Arts. It was a whole lot about growing up. One of my favorite subjects.
I am still in my 20s and sometimes I still don't think I'm there or have it figured at all.
I do think though that I have gotten a little closer over the past 6 month.Yet I'm not speaking about the negative connotations or about being a boring grown-up. I'd rather be Peter Pan than that!
One thing I liked about the movie is that it stated that there is quite the difference between feeling a certain age and being that certain age. I don't feel like my age but how are you supposed to feel an age anyways?
You're just feeling like you with all your memories and stories.
So I guess the growing-up part is learning from your experiences and being able to reflect and evaluate your actions, change and grow. It is being more secure in yourself, knowing what you like and what you don't. Knowing what direction to walk and what paths to omit. And at the same time keeping a young spirit, having fun in life not taking everything too seriously. Laugh. Cry. Just be. Enjoy life. Enjoy the journey you're on. We all keep on growing and changing and we're all on the journey of becoming more ourselves than ever before.
Let yourself be used by God. He has great plans for you. Allow him to shape you and give you more wisdom along the way.



Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday Tunes

As promised on Tuesday I am going to share my "Soundtrack of my Life Herbst 2013 Edition" with you today and I'm super excited about it!
There is barely anything that sets a mood more than music. Just think of it: Candles burning, some really cozy jazzy music playing and all of a sudden you change it to 90s dance music (like I did yesterday!). What happens? Ideally everybody get's up and starts dancing because who can hold it in when "I like to move it" is playing??
But that aside I have put together a somewhat fall mix tape. In the past all my Soundtracks sort of described a story of my life but this time there was no personal story behind it. There still was a concept to it though: It starts with the forest, the storm, light, to break bread, season's change, to trees and then back into the wild.
But now without any further ado here's the playlist. May it accompany your cozy evenings when you have friends over.



Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Art of gathering around a table

It has become a tradition that every year on a Saturday in October I invite some of my friends over for dinner and I don't just mean a potluck, casual kind of thing, but really I go all out with several courses and cook it all from scratch. All in the attempt to bless my friends, to show my gratitude and to just gather them around the table to share a meal.
This is not going to be a typical events post where I tell you about all the details of the planning process and decorations because to be honest it was quite simple: a few white candles, a forest themed (foxes and bears) invitation, a great mix of music and most of all good food!
If you know me well you know without a doubt that I did put a lot of effort into the planning aspect and I did. As a favor I made a mixtape "The Soundtrack of my Life - Herbst 2013 Edition" which I will show you on Thursday.
But let me say this: I believe there is a beauty and a power when friends gather around a table to share food and company.
There was one moment during the night where I just sat there in total bliss. I looked at each one of them and felt like the happiest person on this planet. So blessed with friends.
We are loud and we can go from the deepest of conversations to the funniest. I laughed so much that night.
There was no program, no games, no movies that night. It wasn't neccessary and I believe it is not always neccessary. All you need is a few people. food and conversation. Let the conversations roll out. Let people share their hearts, let emotions come through and hearts to be seen.
Every year I ask what everybody is thankful for and everybody just shares their heart. That was such a beautiful moment because we were all open and honest and got to see a bit of the other person.
It is these moments which energize me, which make me keep going. In these moments I feel extremely loved and cherished. These moments make all the effort worth it, make all the work and planning seem like nothing because you get to experience the beauty of people gathering around a shared table.

So I guess I just want to encourage you to invite your friends over. Create a cozy atmosphere where people feel comfortable and safe. Put some nice music on, light some candles, cook or ask them to bring something. Whatever it is, gather, talk, share your hearts, be real, honest, transparent and authentic. In other words, be you and let your friends see it.

Especially now as the season changes and it gets colder, don't hide in your house or apartment, but use it as a place for people to feel home. And especially during holiday season don't be too stressed out and busy to spend time with your friends. Make an effort and I promise you it will be worth it. Relationships are always worth investing into.

Anyways... if you have any question on how to go about this on where to start,what to cook, how to create such an atmosphere, leave me a comment and I'll try to answer your question.



* picture taken by my friend Melina

Friday, October 11, 2013

Stop Motion Date Night at the Fair

Unfortunately this is not going to be about a date that I have had, because I didn't. It is a video I found today and it was so beautiful how could I not share it?
Plus, it's fall and I want to go to the fair and ride in a ferris wheel and eat cotten candy. Why do I think this is so romantic?? Too many movies?
Enjoy the video.

Untitled-3 from Rebekah Mcclure on Vimeo.



PS: You will have to watch it on vimeo, but I think it's ok to make the click :-)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursdays Tunes

There is nothing better than some really really good music on a day where it is raining all day long (which I love)!
I love instrumental music, classical music, soundtrack music. It just takes me to whole other worlds. In fact back when I was still in High School I would have the Gladiator Soundtrack on repeat during studying. Actually I remember this now that was also the case during university. It was my number one study album and I new every song inside out. And for those of you who know the music from Galdiator know how intense it gets in parts. What can I say it's brilliant music by Hans Zimmer!

Anyways I think on this cozy rainy fall day we all need to listen to a beautiful instrumental song by Sleeping at Last from his newest EP Space 1. The song is called Moon and definitely one of my favorites.
I suggest you have a cup of hot tea, get under a blanket, light some candles and have some beautiful music playing:



Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I have said it many times on this blog how important I believe art is in general and in the context of the Church.
Lately though I have realized even more how important it is that I surround myself with art.
I remember spending time with my two friends, forgetting about time, seeing the world through their eyes with colors and shapes and shades. They both moved to New York City (what were they thinking???  - just kidding) and I cannot wait to see them in November during Thanksgiving week.
Two weeks ago when I visited Dresden the famous Semper Oper was open to the public the day we went and got to go inside and listen to some beautiful opera music. After that we walked passed the Frauenkirche when I heard piano music. I could not but follow the sound.
In the middle of this huge square sat a man with his grand piano playing beautiful music for everyone to hear.
So there I stood and listened as tears started streaming down my face. There was no way I could stop it. I was just moved by the music and by everything I was surrounded with. And I wasn't ashamed of my tears.
It was that moment where I realized how important it is for me to have art in my life in the form of visual art, music, dance, theater, poetry. It helps me stay creative, it helps me see the world through different eyes and it inspires me in many ways.




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