Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 24: Merry Christmas

And you, O Bethlehem in the land of Judah, are not least among the ruling cities of Judah, for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel. Matthew 2:6 NLT

This is what Christmas is really about. The birth of Jesus Christ!
Happy Birthday, Jesus! Thank you for giving your life so that we can be saved and redeemed!

Merry Christmas



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Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 23: Presents

I have to be honest with you. I do not like wrapping presents. I am also not really good at it. So the only way I enjoy it and find creativity in it is to come up with a creative masterplan each year that make my presents look special (at least for me).
Today I was contemplating the gift giving and why I try to give uncommercial. Everybody is always complaining how commercial Christmas is and how they dislike it all. But I say, change the situation! Seriously start giving things you made, things that matter, things that mean something. It shifts your way of thinking, the way people receive the presents and it is actually going against the mainstream.
I started this a few years ago and I always try to give things that are special, yes I invest money, but mostly I invest my creativity, my time and heart.
For example I give time of myself or I give other people time with each other. Or I make a CD or I bake things.
I have friends whose love language is gifts and who rejoice with materialistic presents and I fulfill their wish. Because ultimately gift giving is not about myself but about the person receiving the gift.

Anyway... just thought I'd share. Also I made my gift tags this year out of paper doilies and like every year I am baking Banana Sour Cream Bread for my friends. It has already become a tradition!

Tomorrow is the day! The day that Christ was born!

Much love.



Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 22: To Gather

Yesterday we celebrated Melina's birthday and after us girls had eaten all our other friends rang the bell and showed up with an amazing chocolate cake!
This year has really marked a year of friendship. I have learned so much in the friendships I have and through my friends. Yet again I saw the importance and the essence of a good friend. And it is not about being perfect people or about spending perfect times together or even spending that much time together. It is about being there for each other, making every moment count, asking the right questions. It is about the simplicity of a hug or the soft touch of a hand. It is the words of encouragement and the words that make you become a better person. It is about growing together and growing closer to God. It is about doing this life together and helping each other climb the mountain tops in our lives.
I believe there is nothing like friends gathered around a table eating. It is simple. It is true. There is laughter and there might be tears but it's a gathering. It is being together.

Thank you friends!!!!



PS: I did a series on Friendship at the beginning of this year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 21: Where you need to be

I was going to write about something else. Something that also is on my heart and was very important this year. But then my sweet friend Lilie posted this quote on Facebook and I just knew it was exactly what I had to say  today.

"It's amazing how you can get so far from where you’d planned, and yet find it was exactly where you needed to be." Sarah Dessen


PS: While I am writing this I am listening to Snow Patrol, eating tangerines, drinking tea and cracking peanuts on this cold and rainy winter day. Hard to believe that Christmas is this weekend!

picture via

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 20: Turn to Stone

Honestly, I love this season. I love it when it snows, when there are candles lit and tea cooking in the kettle. I am a hopeless romantic. Sometimes I would like to live in an old movie.

That aside. Today I yet again want to show you another beautiful dance. It inspires me and I think I only fully understood it today. It is about two seperate statues who awaken to life and want to become one statue together.

Much love.

xoxo Ramona

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 19: Have Faith

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." Hebrews 11:1

When I look back at the last four weeks I could say they have been some of the craziest ever. There was so much going on. And yet I sit here with my candle and Andrew Belle singing songs and I am happy. I don't worry about a thing. I am at rest. Only by the grace of God. Only by stepping out in faith. Only by knowing that He knows my every step and cares about my heart.

My Pastor has been speaking about faith lately. Simple. Faith. The kind of faith that just let's go and trusts God. It has been so encouraging for me and I am learning so much.

We just have to hold onto God's hand and step out in faith. Just trust Him and know Him. Faith is expectant. Expectant for something we cannot see yet but know that it is a promise in our life.

What are some of the things you have to stand firm in faith for? What are the things where you just cannot make sense of them and all you have left is faith?

In all of these things. We are growing. Our faith is streched. We become stronger people.



PS: I added a whole Winter music plus Christmas playlist to my Current Soundtrack

picture via

Day 18: A lot like Christmas

I am really sorry that Day 18 is coming so late, but wow what a weekend it has been! We had our you(th) Christmas Party: The Christmas Factory. It was such a great night. So much fun and so relaxed and filled with awesome people!
Today we had a little friends/mentoring Christmas Party which was just plain beautiful. It is certainly one of my absolute favorite Christmas Parties each year because it gathers my very best friends around a table. We laugh, we cry, we are so close and I love every single one of them more than words could every find an expression for.

Hope you enjoyed a beautiful weekend and 4th of Advent too!



Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 17: The Christmas Factory

Today is the day. The day of the Christmas Factory, our you(th) Christmas Banquet. Like every year it is going to be amazing!
So looking forward to it!



Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 16: The Famous Last Words

It is so stormy outside and I connect with the weather. Big time!
Today all I could think of was this dance. I let it speak for itself. Watch it. Feel it. Know it.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 15: A Leap of Faith

Like I said yesterady my life is so interesting right now and I find it quite amusing how everything seems to be happening in the last 4 weeks of this year!
What is quite interesting is the fact that I love sermons about getting out of the boat, risking things, following God's plans and I always thought I did that. And I do and I am always willing to get uncomfortable for God to shape and change me. And believe me this year has been a year of change and growth in many areas.

And yet again I am here now at the edge of decisions to make. Decisions that will change my life. And the only question that comes up in my heart is if I am willing to take the risk. Am I willing to get out of the boat. Am I ready to step into new waters of uncertainty? And another thing I ask myself is why not? What is hindering me? Why shouldn't I try out and leap?
This Sunday our Pastor so amazingly connected the Christmas Story with a message about faith. We will never have enough facts to make a choice and in the end we just have to step out in faith allowing God to bring it all together and to work on our behalf. Not hindering him by staying comfortable, but leaping. Jumping, believing and taking that risk. And who knows what kind of joys and growth and change that will involve, right?!

So these are my thoughts on this crazy weather day a week before Christmas and two weeks before this year ends. And to top it all of a song came to me again. A song I have known for a while but today the lyrics spoke to me.

Follow Your Heart by Nathan Angelo on Grooveshark

What are some choices you are making right now? Are you willing to step unto the water?



PS: Plus plus plus... this awesome article found me in the perfect timing!

picture unkown. If you know where it's from let me know and I'll link it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 14: Daring

I actually wanted to write about something big in my life and things that are on my heart but it's to big to just take a few minutes to write about it. I really want to take some serious time on that one.
Nonetheless... my life is crazy right now and it hasn't been like that in a very long time. I'm changing, trusting God more and more and learning to just believe. To dare. To believe. To leap.

Hope you're having a wonderful night...



picture via

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 13: Me

This year has been a year of becoming more me than ever. A year of opening my heart to dream. A year of allowing myself to be naive again. It has been a time of growing into what I am supposed to be and supposed to be doing. Not because other people think so but because it is what I have always felt in my heart. Many fresh steps have been made this year but it is only the beginning of a grand future which is ahead of me.

Have you become more you this year? Who are you? What is the core of your being?



Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 12: Winter Romance

Sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand words. And this season and the lights and being cozy makes me all romantic. That and Michael Buble singing beautiful Christmas songs.
This is one of my favorites:

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like by Michael Bublé on Grooveshark



Picture via

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 11: An Engagement

Wow, it has been such a crazy weekend, but full of fun. There are so many things in my heart to share but I guess I reserve that for the coming week.
The news of the weekend is definitely that one of my best friends got engaged! So so happy for them!

Tonight we're having a little Advent party and open house so... hope you are celebrating the 3rd Advent. Only two more weeks until Christmas.



Picture of my newly engaged friend and I

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 10: Waiting for Me

Yesterday at you(th) we sang this new song. And singing these words to my Father in Heaven was the most awesome thing. There is nothing like His love being poured over you. Nothing like His grace to bathe in. Nothing like His righteousness to stand in.

Maybe you are like me and would like to be reminded of His love daily. You can download the above simple graphic here.

Enjoy your Saturday!!!



Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 9: In Memory of...

Today I want to take few minutes to remember our time in India. It was a life changing time. I learned so much as a leader and have grown in this area more than ever before. I got a glimpse of something of the future. My heart was touched in so many ways.
God has placed something in my heart.  A dream. I have to follow it. I have to take steps toward that direction. Some things I don't see yet but you have to start somewhere. Follow your heart. Yes... that's it. Follow your heart!

Happy Friday friends!!



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 8: The Ups and Downs

Every relationship, every friendship, every marriage has its ups and its downs. It's those times where you grow, where you sharpen each other and become a better person.
I really don't want to say too much more about the video I am about to post because I believe it speaks for itself. Enjoy it.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 7: Pause and Rest

It is a quiet afternoon. The wind is blowing hard outside. My little candle is burning and Michael Buble is singing Christmas songs for me.
I am thinking a lot about my friends. I am thinking a lot about choices I have to make. I am thinking about all the things that have happened this year and am forming dreams for the New Year.
I love this season of the year because you remember what it is all about you remember all the things that have passed this year and you see the place God has brought you to at the end of another year.
I find it very sad up to the point of wanting to cry sad how it seems that in this season so many people are stressed out and unfriendly when this should be the season of rejoicing and being thankful and taking extra time to relax.
For me this is actually always the season when I am planning the most parties and to top it all of I always find time to do an extra party, an extra little bit here and there. But I delight in it. It soothes me and I love giving of my time and talent to spend it with amazing people.

I guess I just want to encourage you to take a moment and breathe. Relax and allow yourself to come to rest.



PS: I had planned on posting a dance... oh well... I guess I'll save that for tomorrow
PSS: the picture is my best friend Melina and I with our Christmas tree this year. We have our own little tradition!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 6: Visions

Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to envision things. Take some time today and sit down and look ahead from you. What do you see? What do you want to see? What kind of dreams has God put on your heart?
Write them down. Walk each day with the Lord. Follow His guidance and He will lead you even further than your dreams and visions will have taken you!

Happy St. Nikolaus Day!



picture via

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 5: Winter Song

It is a new week and I am so thankful that God's mercies are new everyday. Everday I can wake up to a blank page. A page that I write history on. A page that tells the story of my life and walk with God. The adventures I have with him in this life.
I feel His love upon me and His grace around me. I am thankful for all He has done and all I want is to follow Him, please Him and rest in Him. Ah... this gets me really excited! His love. His grace. His righteousness.

Anyways but what I wanted to share with you is this beautiful Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson. I think I have to buy me that CD (The Hotel Café presents Winter Songs) finally :-)

Winter Song w/ Ingrid Michaelson by Sara Bareilles on Grooveshark

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful day.



Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 4: Falling off the Trapeze

So, Melina and I just set up our Christmas tree and are celebrating a little Advent time, listening to Christmas music. It is about time we get in the mood :-).
Anyways today at church the guest speaker spoke about Falling. What astounded me was that circus people who swing from the trapeze first have to learn how to fall. They have to learn how to fall to lose the fear of falling because they know that there is a net which will catch them.

So. If you have ever fallen (and we all have!) or you feel like you are falling or failing in your relationship with Christ or as a person you can always remember than no matter how much we seem to be falling we can always know that we will only fall in the arms of the grace of God!

Happy 2nd of Advent!



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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 3: Tango

My friends and I have recently talked about Tango and I must say I definitely want to learn it. The Argentine Tango that is. There is something about it.
Well, when I learn it I definitely want it to look like this. This piece is perfect for me in every way:

xoxo Ramona

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 2: Laughter

Have you already laughed today? I surely have and I can tell you there is no better medicine than a good laugh with a great friend!
So... if you're feeling a little low today. Laugh, start smiling and spend time with friends who make you laugh. Friends who bring out the best in you!



Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 1: The Center of it all

I almost cannot believe that it is already December. Seriously? Wow.
Well, to start this year's Calendar off I have something really simple and still it is the most important thing there could be.
Yesterday we had our monthly praise and worship night at church and while I was worshipping from the depth of my heart I thought. That's it. No matter how things go, not matter how busy this season might be. No matter the situation you are in right now. There will always remain one thing: There is Jesus and there is me. And that is all I need. So no matter what. I will lift my eyes to the one who saved me. Jesus.



**picture from a recent drive up into the Black Forest. Rising above the clouds

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

These days

I have been going back and forth on whether or not I should do a Calendar again this year counting down the days to Christmas. I wasn't sure if I could come up with something inspirational again this year. But I have decided to do it. Mostly because it helps me remember and appreciate these days. This season. The reason why we celebrate Christmas.
So... starting tomorrow I will post something each day until the 24th. It might be songs, videos, quotes, thoughts. Whatever inspires me each day.



** picture taken on a trip to the Vosges in France

Monday, November 28, 2011


I knew there would be change. I knew that change was going to come. I felt it, I could almost grasp it. It lingered around the corner at the advent of this Fall season.
And now I feel myself left in chaos hoping that soon the great changes will come to happen. I still feel them, they still linger. And I hopefully keep moving forward finally able to see it. That thing. That change. That answer that is just around the corner.



photo via

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Reminder

Sometimes you have to listen to music again to remind yourself of the feeling and the thoughts and the decision based upon that very moment when you first listened to that music.
Today I have to listen to Dvorak's symphony No. 9 "From the New World" again and remind myself what choices I made going into this season, this Fall.
I cannot allow myself to be stolen of these decisions, these very deep dreams and this urge for something greater than I can fathom.
I remind myself of the choices after my trip to India and I remind myself of the Epic life I want to live.

Of the New World by Ramona Sebald on Grooveshark


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

In your Shade

As most of you have probably figured out I am currently reading Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge again. And it is just perfect timing because somehow I just needed to hear some things again. Very different things than I learned the first time I read it though.
The thing is I want to be a woman after God's heart. I want to be the Proverbs 31 woman. Some of you might say, "Oh Ramona that's too high of an aim" or "Ramona, these are just symbols" or "Ramona, come on really?" Yes really. I want to be the kind of woman that when I enter a room God's love and grace and His anointing are shining so much out of who I am that people will be attracted to me. Not because of me and all the great things I can do, but because of God through who I am what I am.

In the chapter Beauty to unveil they really explain what it means to be with a beautiful woman and is not the outward appearance but beauty that comes from the inside. And there is one line that really got me and encourages me to be eager to become like that. "You find room for your soul. It expands. You can breathe again. You can rest. It is good. That is what it is like to with a beautiful woman. you are free to be you."
Actually it is like being a tree.

And yes being that. Being at rest and offering this beauty to others is risky. Really risky. As you open your heart to share with others, to invite others to eat from your fruit or sit in your shade is a leap of faith. You don't know if they will respond at all or if they will come and cut of the branches or throw away your fruit.

Nonetheless I know how important it is to offer that beauty even if it hurts sometimes. Even if branches are cut off or destroyed. But I am planted on a riverbank (Psalm 1) and like that one quote in one of my favorite movies The New World "Think of a tree how it grows around its wounds. If a branch breaks off, it don't stop but keeps reaching towards the light."

We must offer beauty. We must invite and share.



PS: Listen to some new songs on my Current Soundtrack
PSS: Have a look at my Travels
PSSS: I watched this beautiful movie yesterday
PSSSS: Picture from my sister's bachelorette party in July.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The North Wind and the Sun

"The North wind and the Sun had an argument one day. They disputed which of them was the stronger. A traveler came along the road at that time, and the Sun suggested a way to resolve the argument. Whoever was able to cause the traveler to remove his coat would be the stronger. The Wind accepted the challenge and the Sun hid himself behind a cloud. The Wind began to blow. Yet the harder he blew, the more the traveler clutched his coat about himself. The Wind sent rain, even hail. The traveler clung even more desperately to his coat. Finally, in despair, the Wind gave up. The Sun came out and began to shine in all his glory upon the traveler. Quite soon the man had removed his coat. "How did you do that?" asked the Wind. "It was easy," said the Sun. "I lit the day. Through gentleness I got my way." 

- out of Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge

Friday, November 4, 2011

Just your ordinary girl?

Ever heard girls say, "I guess I am just your ordinary girl..." or "I am just simply the girl next door" or "I am just your average girl..."? Well I did and sometimes even used to say these words in my mind as a defence or explanation for I don't know what :-)
And then the other week it struck me: Ordinary? Simple? Average? I don't want to be that (and I certainly am not!)!
So I looked it up and here are some definitions of these words:

or·di·nar·y [awr-dn-er-ee] adjective
1.of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.
2. plain or undistinguished: ordinary clothes.
3. somewhat inferior or below average; mediocre.
4. customary; usual; normal: We plan to do the ordinary things this weekend.

sim·ple [sim-puhl] adjective
1. easy to understand, deal with, use, etc.: a simple matter; simple tools.
2. not elaborate or artificial; plain: a simple style.
3. not ornate or luxurious; unadorned: a simple gown.
4. unaffected; unassuming; modest: a simple manner.
5. not complicated: a simple design.

av·er·age [av-er-ij, av-rij] adjective
6. of or pertaining to an average; estimated by average; forming an average: The average rainfall there is 180 inches.
7.typical; common; ordinary

I certainly do not want to be defined by these adjectives as a woman. I want to be a worldchanger, different, breathtaking, unusual, luxurious, beautiful, tender, elaborate, colorful, special!

Because I believe that is how God sees me. That is what defines His creation. And I am part of that creation and of His being an artist. And I don't think that any artist would call their piece of art unspecial or plain.

Therefore I just want to encourage you that before you say things like that about yourself. Rethink. Change your mindset about yourself. You are not ordinary, simple or average. You are special, extraordinary, complex and beautiful! God wanted you!



PS: picture from last Christmas with my best friends! We are anything but normal!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Waiting for Forever

"Bad love letters beg for love back. Good love letters ask for nothing"

Sometimes you watch movies and they are entertaining. They give you the bliss of a moment where you enter a world of drama, romance, action or adventure. Everything ends happy and you are happy. We all long for it. We all long for this Epic.
And then there are movies which are different. They are special. They have you enter a world. Their world. You experience it with them. These movies don't need special effects or overdramatization or sexual content. They are beautiful as they are. Simple. And when they end you know something has changed. They describe our longing in a deeper sense. They touch your heart on a deeper level. They touch areas you didn't know existed.
Waiting for Forever was like that for me.

Here's the trailer. Be inspired.



Picture via

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Berlin, Belin!

Last weekend I went to our Capital. Berlin. I hadn't been there in over ten years (man does that sound old!) and I wanted to give the city a second chance to prove to me that it is beautiful indeed.
And oh did she redeem herself! Berlin is such an interesting city, such a green city and such a versatile city. It somehow had slipped my mind (don't know how that happened) how much history can be found there. On every corner, on every street are remainders and reminders of our history. And not only our history in the second World War but our history in the Cold War. The history of the Wall.
It impressed me and I again learned so much about my country again. I live so far in the south that we don't see these things everyday right in front of our eyes. So that was most definitley good.

The first picture is a remainder of the Berlin wall, the second picture is of the Global Stone Project for peace. The third is of course the Brandenburger Tor.
This is the memorial for the killed Jews in World War 2. It is very impressive. I just sat there and thought about it. It amazed me that in the center of a city they errected this memorial made of over 2000   of these. 
There was this light festival. It was beautiful with light projections everywhere on famous buildings and places. Here is says, "whithout him love would ony be half as beautiful."
This is where we had one of the best coffees I have ever had. After that we went to the fleemarket, ate corn on the stick, listened to this 12 year old sweet boy playing guitar and singing and watched a British magician do his tricks. It was so fun and relaxing and good to be at another place for a weekend. Sometimes you just need to get away for some days. 

Anyways, I had a wonderful time and will definitely return. Berlin, you are a beautiful city and I am glad I gave you another chance.



Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday Tunes

Today I want to share two songs with you I've really been into lately. Mostly because we dance to both of them in my dance class and that is why they mean so much to me. They're both by Adele.
I love both of these songs and interpreting them in dance brings out some interesting feelings but it helps you to just dance it all out and be in that moment. Anyways I know these are two very soft love songs that make you want to cuddle up with candles and cry and although I don't feel like doing that (the crying part) they somehow make me feel like Fall and lighting candles and dreaming of my future husband. And that is a good thing. To dream. And to hope.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


"A woman in her glory, a woman of beauty, is a woman who is not striving to become beautiful or worthy or enough. She knows in her quiet center where God dwells that he finds her beautiful, has deemed her worthy and in him she is enough."
~ Stasi Eldredge

Picture from here

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Men and Guitars

A man with a guitar and dreamy eyes singing love songs gets me and melts my heart in an instant.
Yesterday my friend and I went to a Joshua Radin concert and I loved every single bit of it! I just stood there and soaked in the music, closed my eyes and even cried.
Find some of my favorite songs in the Current Soundtrack.



Friday, October 14, 2011


All my life I have had this feeling in my gut that my life was about so much more. That my calling is so much greater than I can anticipate. That God has something planned for my life which I cannot even imagine.
Before this new season started I had the feeling that something beyond imagination was going to happen in the fall. That some of that epic is going to start. Then I started reading this book called Epic and it summed up what I felt my whole life. The series we do at church right now is called "Taming the lions" and somehow all of it fit into what I was feeling.
I believe we all long for it. That special something. That heroic act in our lives. When we watch movies there is always something amazing which happens. Something we sometimes don't dare dream about. Something we don't allow ourselves to hope in because we think this couldn't happen to us. I believe a lot of single women feel that way when watching movies like Pride and Prejudice. We dream and want this amazing man to win the world for us, pursue us and win our hearts. All to finish with an ... and they lived happily ever after. Then we look at our own reality and get disappointed. We don't believe anything like that could ever happen to us. I have talked with a few of my single friends lately and sometimes I can see and feel the frustration and I can relate. Because I too get frustrated sometimes. I too watch these movies and ask myself why this doesn't happen to me.
Yet I don't think that is the right question to ask. We should not ask why not, but what do I dream of? To be honest with you within the last weeks and months one thing I have learned is to dream again. To actually allow these dreams to take root. To allow these dreams to prosper no matter how high in the sky they might seem, no matter if they seem unaccomplishable. All I know is that I am dreaming these things for a reason.

Last week I watched the movie Gladiator again. I hadn't watched it in years but it was perfect timing. It summed it all up. We were created for so much more. I have always been completely in love with these epic movies. They trigger something in me. They trigger my desire for adventure. They make me want to save the world. I have this desire of doing something big and heroic. Not just for myself but for God. My whole life I have had this feeling about something big and heroic I am supposed to do.

And then life just somehow happens and we forget about it. We go about our normal ways, our routines and we lose that feeling. We grow up.
I don't want to become like that. Over the last years I have not dreamed like I am dreaming now. I don't want to get settled and comfortable and save.
I want to live a life that is on the edge, full of adventure and danger and victorious battles. I want God to look at me not only as His princess, His daughter, but also as His mighty warrior with whom He can conquer the world. A heroine representing His love and grace and faithfulness on the earth. Because merely do I live for myself. My life should not center around myself but around Jesus. The words of Maximus in Gladiator get me every time, "What we do in life echoes in eternity." ETERNITY. What word. What a thought.

And so I have jumped right into this season and I am on my way. The big thing might not have happened yet but it is on the verge. Every day is filled with amazing things. Every day I am learning new things. Every day I am becoming more the woman of God He wants me to be. Therefore even if I don't feel or see it yet it is already happening.

One thing I have learned already and with that I want to encourage you (especially the single women I have talked about) is that God wants us to experience this Epic. This epic love story. This epic life. Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to start seeing these things. Not only relationship wise but in every aspect of your life. Start living the epic and do not, please do not settle for anything less than what you dream of (I am writing to myself here... everyday I tell myself that!).

"This is what God says, the God who builds a road right through the ocean, who carves a path through pounding waves, The God who summons horses and chariots and armies— they lie down and then can't get up; they're snuffed out like so many candles: "Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands." - Isahiah 43:16-19 The Message



PS: The new music in my Current Soundtrack is the language of this season

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Just wanted to leave a quick note. We live in exiting times and I love how the Lord keeps showing me things, pouring His love over me.

This song really touched me yesterday at my church's praise and worship night. There is nothing like His love!

How has your week been so far? What are some new dreams and visions of yours?


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Goodbye Summer, India and welcome Fall

This summer has been a very interesting one. One that was different from the others. And as we are heading full force into Fall it feels like I am leaving something behind. Yet all that has happened within the last couple of months has been leading up to this point. The start of something new, new grace, new beginnings, new dreams – all of it and I am on the verge of something magnificent. I haven’t seen it yet, I cannot touch it yet but it is there lingering around the corner, about to become visible. In order to start the new season I have to finish one, recapitulate what had the most impact on me. Gather my thoughts and remember what it all was so I can learn and grow as a person.

I had the priviledge of leading a team of youth together with a friend to India to serve a ministry there. It wasn't my first time in India but I took so much from the culture, country and people with me like I understood all of it a little better. I took in every single moment trying to memorize all the beautiful faces I saw because truth be told Indians are beautiful people.
We were extremely blessed by the people and their hearts and culture to honor I believe I should adapt some it in my own life. To always hold other people higher than myself.
We taught some German at the school, answered their questions about our country and sang songs with them. I love these kids. I love how happy they are and how inviting into their lives they are. You don't get that here in Germany. These kids just smile at you and want to be close to you and call you sister or "aka". Their eagerness to learn amazes me. How often did I sit in school not even being remotely interested in what we were learning. Yet these kids here love school. It is one of their favorite places to be.

I am all for helping to help yourself when it comes to development aids. I think it is completely wrong to impose our western ways of doing things on other cultures. I also believe it is wrong to keep giving money and keep giving money and hence making people dependent on our money. Rather help people to earn money, help them find ways to be better off or sustain themselves. That is why I thought this ministry was doing such a great work. Their goal is to be self-sustainable and they keep finding new ways to do so.
Oh and by the way they serve about 2000 meals each day. Above you see the kitchen where they make tons of rice and curry. The smell and the heat in that kitchen were indescribable and the things cooked were delicious. On a sid note: I love indian food.

The area we were in was extremely beautiful and green because it had rained a lot before we came. The beach was so different than what we westerners are used to. We actually went into the Indian Ocean with our feet, the waves rushing in an out.

Yet when you do go into the villages and towns you do see an India that is hidden in the Bollywood movies. It is the real India which you get a glimpse of in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. It is the India that a lot of people might be afraid of or where the cultural shock could come from because it is nothing of what we know. But to be honest for my team and me it was just beautiful to experience. We wanted to see everything get a look at everything and really experience the real India which in fact is the people.
There are so many things and highlights I could talk about. Things I learned, things that were terrible to see, things which challenged me. I think a lot can be said through the pictures and I hope you get a glimpse of the beautiful summer I had.
Now it is starting to be Fall and like I said I am ready for change. My arms are wide open for whatever is coming my way. I know it will be fantastic because I trust in a God who gives exceedingly, abundantly and above. I can take these things learned now and transform them into something new. I can use these things and become a better person and a better leader in order to fulfill God's calling for my life because that is all I want.

So, hello Fall and all you have to offer. I welcome thee with my arms wide open.




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