Thursday, March 29, 2012


As I looked for the start of the new So you think you can dance season I was made aware of this dance...
I don't want to say too much about it though.

I cannot believe how fast time is passing. We're about to enter the fourth month of this year. How did everything happen so fast?



Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Missing Words

I have started about three posts on the same subject but everytime I finished and reread it, it just wasn't what I wanted to say and I deleted every single one of these post.
Maybe the words are not formed yet, have not come to that conclusion and made their way out of me.
It is Spring. Spring. The season of new life. It has been a long dark Winter and I desperately am ready for new life.



picture via

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday Tunes

Oh how I love it when listening to music all of a sudden one line in a song pops out and is exactly what you need to hear. And then you research the song and even though you've known that song for a long time it speaks to you in a whole different and whole new way again.
That's what happened with Beyond the Blue by Josh Garrels. So I have to share it with you, in particular the line "And to do the right thing even when it burns"... soooo good!
Here's the song and find the lyrics below.

Stand on the shores of a site unseen
The substance of this dwells in me
Cause my natural eyes only go skin deep
But the eyes of my heart anchor the sea
Plumbing the depths to the place in between
The tangible world and the land of a dreams
Because everything ain't quite it seems
There's more beneath the appearance of things
A beggar could be king within the shadows,
Of a wing
And wisdom will honor everyone who will learn
To listen, to love, and to pray and discern
And to do the right thing even when it burns
And to live in the light through treacherous turns
A man is weak, but the spirit yearns
To keep on course from the bow to the stearn
And throw overboard every selfish concern
That tries to work for what can't be earned
Sometimes the only way to return is to go,
Where the winds will take you
And to let go, of all, you cannot hold onto
For the hope, beyond,the blue
Yellow and gold as the new day dawns
Like a virgin unveiled who waited so long
To dance and rejoice and sing her song
And rest in the arms of a love so strong
No one comes unless they're drawn
By the voice of desire that leads em' along
To the redemption of what went wrong
By the blood that coveres the innocent one
No more separation
Between us.
So lift your voice just one more time
If there's any hope may it be a sign
That everything was made to shine
Despite what you can see
So take this bread and drink this wine
And hide your spirit within the vine
Where all things will work by a good design
For those who will believe
And let go, of all, we cannot hold onto
For the hope, beyond, the blue
Said i let go, of all, i could not hold onto
For the hope, i have, in you



Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kony 2012 - One thing we can all agree on

Almost two years ago I fundraised money for my birthday in order to pay for surgery of disfigured women in Uganda. It was a time for me where I learned a lot but also was able to raise some sort of awareness here on this blog. I contributed my part to a larger whole. If you're interested in the whole journey you can read it here.

And now again I want to use this space of mine to raise awareness. Most of you might have already heard of or seen the new video by Invisible Children that goes with their Kony 2012 Campaign.

I know there has been some controversy on their approach and opionions are divided. I actually read a really good article about that on Relevant magazine. I do believe we always have to look at the complexity and the larger scale of such a problem.
At the same time I do believe that in order to raise awareness and in order to get that problem/issue across one has to find simple ways of telling, breaking it down to real basic understanding so that every single person can understand it.
And that is what this video does. Anyboy and everybody can understand the basic problem and realize that there has to be something that we can all do, that we have to stand up, join forces and change this world.

So... please watch the movie. But don't stop there. Inform yourself about the situation, read statistics, newspapers and reports.

And now... think for yourself, consider how and where you want to get involved. There are so many possibilites to get invovled in Uganda, may it be through Invisible Children or Watoto or through Compassion International. Or if resources are little, why don't you start praying. Pray for wisdom, pray for the governments, pray for the children, pray for the decision makers.
The most important thing is that you do something.



Friday, March 9, 2012

International Women's Day - A view on human trafficking

Yesterday was the International Women's Day.  A day contributed to the equality and freedom of women worldwide. It is a day for awareness that still in today's society women are less priviledged than men. And I am not saying that to sound feminist at all.
Throughout history women have always been oppressed and seen less than men. And although in the last few decades things seem to have changed, like there is more freedom I want to make you aware of something today that you might not know.
We think we have overcome the problem of freedom. Yet today there are still 27 million people living in slavery, 1.4 million of these are sex slaves most of which are women.
When I hear those numbers it actually makes me really mad and angry. How can we be so oblivious? How can we just live our day to day lives without knowing, without doing anything.
I believe there is a power in women when they join together and make a difference. I believe God gave us a compassion and a sympathy and a strength to do something. I believe we have to join forces and reach out for the lost and the broken. I believe if we open our eyes and start seeing, start beeing aware of the things that are going on around us we will quickly forget about our own little problems. If we stand up and give of our time, our finances, our love we actually can change the world. One person at a time.

What do I mean by this?
The A21 Campaign is an organisation based in Greece whose goal it is to bring justice and to rescue women who have been trafficked.

I want you to watch this video and decide for yourself what you are going to do about it. Because we have to do something! We all can do something.

I ask you to post this video, to share it, to talk about it. I ask you to pray for the A21 Campaign, for the vicitms. And if you have it on your heart to give, please visit and find out how you can give or 21 other ways of how you can make a difference.

Let's stand up and unite our forces , be creative and make this world a better place!



Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday Tunes

I'm exited because today is dedicated to music. This blog is called "The Soundtrack of my Life" after all... so... I've been listenting to a ton of new music lately and it was really hard for me to find a song that really speaks to me and share it with you. But I think I found one in the end :-)
I have been listening to William Fitzsimmons a lot lately. I love his voice and his music is beyond inspiring, encouraging and full of poetry. The song that I'm going to share is called Goodmorning and the lyrics couldn't be more fitting at the advent of this Spring where Winter is coming to an end. One season ends and another begins. I am ready for new life, new beginnings and the freshness of Spring.

So here's the song and find the lyrics below:

Moonlight will fall
Winter will end
Harvest will come
Your heart will mend
Good morning
Good morning
You will find love
Good morning
You will find love
You will find love
Good morning
Good morning

Also, I added a whole lot of other music to my Current Soundrack. Other favorites by William Fitzsimmons, Mat Kearney and Jenny & Tyler.

Hope you enjoy it!



Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Quote of the Day

“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind is part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another.” —Anatole France

I admit that although I think change is a good thing I don't always like it as with it usually comes some sort of pain and growth. Yet I anticipate and embrace it in my life because I want to grow. I want to grow closer to God, want to grow in my friendships and relationships. Want to grow to become more me than ever. But in order for that to happen things need change and sometimes it means letting things go, cutting things out of your life, changing old pattern and old ways of doing things. And it is work. It is a constant progress. But it is so worth it because when you look back you will see how God was at work bringing you through and you will see how he is fulfilling your dreams in the process!

So... change, come, I embrace you!



Tuesday, March 6, 2012


It is that time of the year again. That time when everything within me urges to travel, to see distant places and go on incredible adventures. It is that time when I get lost in daydreaming about other countries and I imagine all kinds of stories and adventures.
And although no picture could suffice the desire to travel it is all I have for now. So... enjoy and dream and imagine adventures with me in the following pictures.
Like I said... pictures almost don't do it. Yet, they are dreams and I believe dreams do come true...
In the meantime, you can to my my Travel page and see where I've been.



pictures via 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I have always lived a life of a heart made vulnerable. I have always exposed my heart. Have always trusted people quickly. I have always allowed people to really see my heart. I have done so and will continue to do so because I have chosen to love for real. Not just a plastic kind of love but real, true, deep love. A love that can crush and break your heart. But better to love that way than to be numb and never love at all.



picture via


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