Yesterday was the International Women's Day. A day contributed to the equality and freedom of women worldwide. It is a day for awareness that still in today's society women are less priviledged than men. And I am not saying that to sound feminist at all.
Throughout history women have always been oppressed and seen less than men. And although in the last few decades things seem to have changed, like there is more freedom I want to make you aware of something today that you might not know.
We think we have overcome the problem of freedom. Yet today there are still 27 million people living in slavery, 1.4 million of these are sex slaves most of which are women.
When I hear those numbers it actually makes me really mad and angry. How can we be so oblivious? How can we just live our day to day lives without knowing, without doing anything.
I believe there is a power in women when they join together and make a difference. I believe God gave us a compassion and a sympathy and a strength to do something. I believe we have to join forces and reach out for the lost and the broken. I believe if we open our eyes and start seeing, start beeing aware of the things that are going on around us we will quickly forget about our own little problems. If we stand up and give of our time, our finances, our love we actually can change the world. One person at a time.
What do I mean by this?
The A21 Campaign is an organisation based in Greece whose goal it is to bring justice and to rescue women who have been trafficked.
I want you to watch this video and decide for yourself what you are going to do about it. Because we have to do something! We all can do something.
I ask you to post this video, to share it, to talk about it. I ask you to pray for the A21 Campaign, for the vicitms. And if you have it on your heart to give, please visit and find out how you can give or
21 other ways of how you can make a difference.
Let's stand up and unite our forces , be creative and make this world a better place!