Friday, June 18, 2010

A place of no control

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7

How often do we quote this verse and tell it as an encouragement to others? But do we really understand what it means? Do we really get the core of this verse?

Currently I am finding myself at a place where there are so many uncertainties, so many things I have no idea how the outcome will be, what will happen in the future, where I will be or with who I will be.
But just the last couple of days my prayer has really been towards giving God ALL control. I mean, yes we do that all the time and I do think that each and every one of us has prayed that God would take over control in a certain situation. But this time it was different with me. I feel like I really had a revelation about what it really means to give all control to the Lord. Just think about it. We often see a situation in the future, a place where we might be or maybe would like to be. There are a lot of things that we like about it, but then there are also concerns, uncertainties, unresolved things.
This week when I thought about that all of a sudden I understood: When God puts you at the place He wants you to be, where His calling for your life is, then all the uncertainties, worries, concerns have already been taken care of. That does not mean that it won't be hard at times or that we do not have to work through certain things, but he already has the solutions and he already has solved everything.
This leaves us with one thing: Giving up control, letting go, letting Him GO and knowing that He really does care.

I am honestly so thrilled about that, I all of a sudden feel this new freedom, I feel released. I can enjoy my life right NOW and I do not have to worry. Wow... when He says in 1 Peter 5:7 to give all our worries to Him for He cares, He really means it and it will set us free!!!

Today I want to pray for you and reach out to you that you will really get an understanding of this. Let go of all control and let him GO and do the impossible for you.



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