Saturday, May 24, 2008

The right and wrong way to deal with the waiting time

Buenos dias everybody! I am excited about God and how marvellous he is, aren't you?! I mean He is the provider and He loves us, He has such a great and special plan for each one of us and He created us in such a unique way that He can reach the people in our sphere of influence! I love my God!

Well... I guess we're all still in the waiting time and last time we talked about the path of being called to being chosen and that we need to be disciplined, wise, faithful and loving! So how are you doing with that so far? Are you trusting God to fulfill your destiny? Have you been struggling lately? I believe we all are struggling at some point because we still live in a fallen world, but let me tell you this. If you have Jesus Christ as your saviour in your life, than you are an overcomer, you are victorious and you are a child of the Light! Light is within you and let me also tell you this: The same strength that conquered the cross lives in YOU and the same love that rescued the earth lives in YOU!!! So next time you feel like you are in the dessert or in front of a huge mountain... breathe... relax and trust! Trust in the Lord and he will make your path straight!

As we remember that Qualtiy takes time we can also say that God uses this time to sharpen us in the various times of the Waiting time!
So instead of not caring about it or being angry about certaing things, allow God to work on you and welcome this time of testing! When you allow that and God sees your heart and knows that He can trust you with little things he can then also trust us with the big things... but in order to get there we must allow him to work on us.

You know, to know and understand God's ways is indispensable in our life! Let us turn to Proverbs 3:11 to have a closer look at this: "My child, don't reject the LORD's discipline, and don't be upset when he corrects you. For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights."
Now doesn't that sound great? I think it does! He delights in us and therefore corrects and disciplines us!
And how are we going to deal with it? Well... the Waiting time is the best time to get to know the Holy Spirit!
What are his functions?
1. Disclose sin
2. Reveil God
3. Show what is yet to come

So don't be discouraged when you find trials in your life, but embrace them to grow in the Lord and get to know the Holy Spirit because He will help you to deal with the Waiting time in the right way. Next time we'll talk how to be strengthed in the waiting time... so stay connected and leave me a comment... I would love to hear from you!

Love. Ramona

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