Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 6 Mad World

It's the 6th of December which means it's St. Nikolaus day. When I was a kid there would always be a boot filled with candy and nuts in front of my door. Today I wondered why we are celebrating this day and researched the history of St. Nikolaus.

I guess today I just simply want to point out that we take away our focus from ourselves. Especially during the Christmas time we are so "busy" that we tend to forget that there is a lost and broken world out there. I know all the organisations want money around Christmas time, but this is really something we must think about and act on all throughout the year. Jesus said "The poor will always be with you". He also said "I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!" (Math. 25:40).

I strongly believe that we have to reach out and be the hands and the feet of Jesus. We are the solution. We as the church are the answer to humanity in its entirety.
So I am asking you. Where are you the change? Where are you making a difference? Where do you reach out to the least of these?
There are so many ways of getting involved in your community and globally. If there is nothing in the context of your church, start something! This is our responsibility and our calling. And every little move will make a difference. Nothing is too small or too insignificant. Even if you make somebody smile. You brightened this person's day.



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